Saturday, September 19, 2015

Update 9/19/15

Hello again.

Turns out I'm not the only one who has an interest in CoS. Lots of people have emailed me and told me they feel the same way and want to join me in "decoding". I've also gotten a ton of emails about experiences with emailing CoS. I will compile the information in another post soon, but there is something that I feel is a more pressing matter; where is Broadcast #2?

Broadcast #2 was scheduled from the get-go, originally being scheduled for taking place on September 11, but it got postponed about a day before hand. Then it was scheduled for yesterday, September 18, but got postponed yet again. Then it was scheduled for today, I got ready to watch my first live broadcast. But then, when I went to the link to the livestream in my bookmarks, the page was not found. I went to the CoS channel and found out that Broadcast #2 has been completely removed as an event.

This is very strange. Why would they continue to postpone the next broadcast? Today, I emailed them with the following message

It has been 3 hours with no reply (except for the automatic answer). I guess we will have to play the waiting game on this one...

I will make another post as soon as I get a message back from them, plus hopefully by then I will have organized some information that I have gotten from you guys.

Until then.

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